Welcome to this beautiful place in your life! Baptism- that holy and mysterious event when an infant, child, teen or adult becomes a child of God uniquely. As a parent, you have the exclusive privilege of accompanying your child on a lifelong journey of faith.
Lutherans baptize infants because of our understanding of baptism as a gift of grace from God, not something that we earn or choose. Therefore, along with people of all other ages, Lutherans baptize those who cannot decide for themselves, infants.
Baptism is the Greek word that means “to dip,” as in “to dip in the water.” Water is full of religious significance. Every major religion uses water in some way or another.
In the Lutheran faith, Baptism is one of two sacraments. A sacrament is something that shows God’s grace through visible means (like water) and has a promise from God that is attached to the action. That means that Baptism is not merely plain water. Instead, it is water used according to God’s command and connected with God’s word.
Baptism brings about forgiveness of sins, redeems from death and the devil and gives eternal salvation to all who believe it. The water does not do it alone, but the Word of God, which is with, in, and among the water. For without the Word of God, the water is plain water and not baptism. With the Word of God, it is a baptism, a grace-filled water of life and a “bath of the new birth in the Holy Spirit.”
At Zion, we have baptized thousands of believers in our long history of ministry. We encourage you to speak with Pastor Steve about how we can serve you and your family and especially if you have questions about baptism.
“And God Blessed them…” (Genesis 1:28)
Congratulations on your engagement and upcoming wedding! Over the years, thousands of couples have celebrated their marriage by having their wedding ceremony conducted at Zion Lutheran Church.
The marriage ceremony is one of the most sacred rites pastors perform under the ordination and authority of the church. Choosing to be married in the church is to recognize God’s intentions for your marriage and indicates that God will be a central focus in your lives together.
The wedding service is, first and foremost, a worship service that celebrates your commitment to each other and affirms your mutual faith and trust in God. It is a joyous occasion overflowing with blessings, and those who celebrate it rejoice in the gifts of God – life, health, strength, sexuality, the family: all this God declared from the beginning to be “very good.”
To schedule an appointment with the pastor, please contact the church office at
The death of a Christian is an occasion for thanksgiving and the proclamation of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Every activity surrounding such death and burial should point to God’s Good News who is Jesus Christ. Death is our final enemy and Christians believe that the work of the cross, Jesus Christ has conquered or fear of death. The work of Jesus on the cross is the primary basis of the Christian celebration of Easter, namely that Christ rose from physical death and his promise of eternal life.
For pastoral care and to help in planning, the pastor should be notified immediately upon the death of a member of the congregation. No plans for the funeral should be made apart from consultation with the pastor and appropriate parish staff. When possible, it is a good idea to plan the funeral liturgy well before to avoid planning during a time of grieving.
Such planning offers an occasion for the pastor to talk seriously about the Christian hope of the resurrection of the dead through Jesus Christ.
Christians will strive to keep the gospel hope of the resurrection at the center of all observances associated with the death of a Christian.
If you have any needs relating to a funeral, please contact the church at and may God’s peace fill you and renew your hope in the resurrection.