We believe students are a vital part of our church and community. Their journey of faith not only begins with the gospel but finds its desired goal in the gospel as well. We want students to be rooted deeply in God’s love so that as they experience the excitement and difficulties of life, they will be able to stand firm in their faith and thrive in these incredible years of their lives.
Therefore, we commit ourselves to sharing the story of Jesus and to provide a safe place for students to ask hard questions, struggle with issues of belief and see the wonders of God displayed in his word and the lives of their friends.
There are many ways to get involved in our Student Ministry. We have a spiritual formation class on Sunday mornings during the school year, a weekly youth fellowship night that meets on Wednesday evenings at 6:00, discipleship groups and other engaging events. Faith Together Muscatine is a collaboration that is brought to you by Shepherd of the Cross, Grace, New Era and Zion Lutheran Churches. Our Wednesday evening event is Family Faith Night (FFN). If you would like more information concerning Zion’s Student Ministry, please contact our church office at zionmuscatine@gmail.com or check out our calendar for youth events that are coming up.
Any questions about our youth ministry? Contact Stacey Ramos at staceyjeanramos@gmail.com