Service Times
Zion Lutheran Church is holding worship in person and live streaming through Facebook.
Sunday Morning Service: Sundays @ 9:00 AM
Sunday Evening Service: @6:00 PM January 12 & 26, February 9 & 23, March 9 & 23.
Fellowship: Sundays 10:15 AM
Adult Bible Study:
Looking for a group to nurture your faith this coming school year?
Re:Storied | Every 2 weeks, usually the 1st & 3rd Sunday, 6:00 – 7:30 pm @ Zion Lutheran. Optional sharing time from 5:30 – 6:00pm. Always check our calendar for date changes.
The Bible is the most popular book in the world and has been translated into 736 languages. For many, the Bible is central to their faith. But why do some people read the Bible and get so much out of it while others are left confused?
Re:Storied is a course intended to introduce participants to the whole of the Biblical narrative while also providing opportunities to tangibly practice dwelling in God’s Word.
Participants will be encouraged to engage in Bible readings and reflections outside our group time. To share reflections and dive deeper, participants may participate in an optional 30 minute time from 5:30 – 6:00. Click here for a 1 page summary.
Sunday School: Almost every Sunday following morning worship @10:30am during the school year.
Our Location
513 Sycamore St.
Muscatine, IA 52761